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Intimidated by the overwhelming (and somewhat pretentious) world of Linkedin? We’ve been there. If you’re looking to lift your Linkedin game in 2024, hello, welcome. As the best possible way to engage in B2B marketing and communication, Linkedin offers a a huge number of ways to connect and engage with your current and future audience.

For those new to the world of Linkedin , we’ve put together our top ten ways to succeed on the platform. Follow along with us as we delve into some of our top tips.

1. Your Personal Brand

Think of your Linkedin profile as your street side store front. Are the lights on? Do you look ‘open for business’? Do you have an up-to-date profile picture and headline? Is your messaging on brand. Do you stand out? Why should someone connect with you (your store) over any one else?

At the very least we recommend making sure your profile picture is up to date and you have a cover image that represents you and/or your business. Make sure to include engaging content in your ‘About’ section. And don’t write it in the third person – everyone knows it’s not been written by a journalist. Unless you’re a journalist of course.

2. Personalise Your Connection Requests

There is nothing worse than a generic invitation message. Except perhaps when the ‘accept request’ is quickly followed by a cheap sales pitch. Building your network organically requires finding common ground with the people you’d like to connect with. Show genuine interest instead of dishing out the same ol’ copy-and-paste solution. Reference a project they’ve worked on or any mutual friends you share. You’ll be far more likely to achieve results with a personalised message.

3. Treat Your LinkedIn Profile Like a Landing Page

Whether you’re managing a business account or perfecting your personal LinkedIn, think of your profile like a website landing page. What do you want visitors to see, and what actions would you like them to take? Build your profile with a clear strategy to direct your audience’s actions. If your blog or website represents you better, guide visitors there. It’s easy to create buttons and links out of Linkedin so make the most of it.

4. Consistent Posting

LinkedIn posting can feel daunting and attention-seeking. If you’re not into blowing your own trumpet then our advice is simply to speak about what you’re good at. Use your specialty to stand out in a crowded online market. Consistent posting helps attract your ideal audience and make a name for yourself. Experiment with different types of posts to see what works best and, if you’re really serious about it, consider using a content calendar for strategy.

5. Use Tracking Links

Incorporating tracking links is an excellent way to see the impact you’re having if you’re consistently directing your audience elsewhere, like to a new blog or site update. While LinkedIn offers exceptional analytics tools, tracking links can take your analytics to the next level when analyzing your site traffic.

6. Leverage LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups are collaborative platforms where professionals connect, discuss, and share industry-specific insights. Join groups that resonate with your profession or area of interest. Engage actively in discussions, offer expert insights, share experiences, and periodically share relevant content. This positions you as an authority and attracts followers who recognize your value​.

7. Create Engaging Content Types

Diversify your content to keep your audience engaged. Consider using different formats like videos, carousel posts, and long-form articles. Videos, in particular, perform well on LinkedIn—keep them short and to the point. Carousels can tell a story or present information in an engaging, swipe-through format​.

8. Ask for Recommendations

Nothing boosts credibility like a well-worded recommendation from a colleague or past employer. Don’t be shy; reach out and ask for them. Offering to give a recommendation in return is also a polite gesture that enriches both your profile and network​.

9. Promote Your LinkedIn URL

Ensure your LinkedIn profile gets the visibility it deserves by promoting your personalized URL. Include it in your email signature, business cards, and other social profiles. This proactive approach can unlock doors and foster more meaningful relationships​.

10. Utilize AI Tools and Premium Features

AI tools can help craft compelling descriptions and optimize your profile. Platforms like LinkedIn Premium and Sales Navigator offer advanced features like InMail and detailed analytics to target and engage with a tailored audience. Use these tools to hone your LinkedIn strategy and grow your network effectively​.

If you’re still on the fence about whether LinkedIn is right for you or your business, head to our social media Perth page to discover more social channels and options for your business.