A range of digital products and services to improve and raise awareness of the DIAB brand.


Web Design & Development
UI & UX Wireframing
Platform Integration
Brand Development
Brochure Design
Email Marketing

Founded in 1970, Diab Engineering is an industrial maintenance and fabrication service provider for the mining industry. As a subsidiary of NRW, DIAB is a preferred supplier in Australia and has a strong presence overseas.

With a large recruitment campaign scheduled for early 2019, DIAB needed a clean, professional and engaging website designed and developed in less than 8 weeks.

Since building the website Start have designed Capability Statements, animated logos, designed email signatures and created marketing landing pages that align with State wide campaigns.

The Challenge

Project Overview

The Outcome

The Results

With a recruitment campaign commencing in January 2019, DIAB needed a fully developed website by December 2018, leaving our team with less than 8 weeks to design and develop a site. We identified potential issues in DIAB’s application process and worked closely with their CRM developers to maximise applicant capture.

The old DIAB site, text content, and digital profile were long overdue for a refresh. Alongside the website update, we developed animated logos, email signatures, capability statement brochures, and email campaign strategies. These elements work together with the website to present DIAB as a modern, forward-thinking engineering company in a cohesive and professional manner.

The DIAB recruitment campaign launched in mid-January 2019, utilising radio advertising, billboards at the domestic airport, and on Kwinana Freeway. All marketing efforts directed significant traffic to the new DIAB website for job applications ranging from Boilermakers and Fitters to Electricians and Supervisors.

Just 12 weeks into the campaign, DIAB had received over 5,000 high-quality, qualified applicants through the website and application platform – surpassing the number of applications they had received in over 4 years through traditional recruitment methods.