Exa Web Liquidation. What to do now.
The recent Exa Web liquidation has left many businesses worried about the impact this may have on their website. This has been compounded by a letter from Deloitte to Exa clients on 29th February advising them that they’re unable to assist and clients should contact Exa directly. Given that Exa are not responding to call it appears that a resolution is a long way off.
If you’ve been affected by the Exa web liquidation don’t panic. There are ways to minimise the impact on your website and business.
Your domain is the most important factor. The domain name is attached to the website but should be registered to your business. If it is in your name and you have these login details then you will be able to point the domain to a new website. It’s not ideal but your domain is your businesses most important online intellectual property. Find out if you own your domain by using the who.is web service.
A business should always own the login details for their website and email. Always. Recent advances in the online space have made this much easier than it used to be.
Backup your content. It goes without saying that the website content is important. First things first is to copy all of your text content into a Word document. Lay the content out in an intuitive way, preferably by page and section. Second, download all of your site images. There are a few ways to do this but the quickest is to visit your webpage.
right click the image > select either ‘Save Target As’ on PC or ‘Save Image As’ on Mac > save each image to a suitable folder
Site access
In the case of Exa they provided their clients with limited access to the administrative area of their sites. For instance, if your site is www.smithandson.com.au you may have a username and password to login and add blog posts, change text and add images but that’s likely all you can do. However, it’s worth checking. If you have requested full administrator access then it’s likely your full site can be saved and simply moved to a new host. Check to see if you can login to your site. If it was built using WordPress then you should be able to login by adding /wp-admin to the end of your domain ie www.smithandson.com.au/wp-admin
We hope this helps in some way.
If you would like any assistance please do not hesitate to contact Start Digital at 1300 170 908. We provide complete online, personalised web solutions that give businesses complete ownership over their website, content and online identity. We’re here to help empower our clients.